3 day masterclass replay

va 101 masterclass

The only virtual assistant masterclass you need to take. Learn how to set up a long lasting, successful, legal virtual assistant business and land dream paying clients. 


This masterclass doesn't just cover the basics, it goes into depth on how to set up, land clients and scale your business to £3k months and beyond. 

Where should I start. I would do it again. Anytime. Georgia was very attentive, considerate and empowering! She knows her stuff. I just felt pulled in by her. She is a magnet there is no doubt. This is for new VA‘s AND VA‘s that are already kind of establish but a bit lost! She will pick you up wether you don’t know anything or already did some research. Her masterclass is FULL of content itself. The knowledge she will provide is for life because of the recordings!

I can't believe how much information and resources are provided from this masterclass for the price. I promise you will not be disappointed if you attend a masterclass, it has really helped me feel more confident in starting my VA journey. Thank you, Georgia.

I can't believe how much information and resources are provided from this masterclass for the price. I promise you will not be disappointed if you attend a masterclass, it has really helped me feel more confident in starting my VA journey. Thank you, Georgia.


The masterclass contains a huge amount of info and guidance. It really feels like you want us to succeed. Great value for money. Thank you!


I can't thank Georgia enough for the time and effort she puts into these masterclasses and the knowledge she shares. It really is a toolkit of everything you need to get started!

I was apprehensive about paying £130 for the masterclass not knowing if it would be helpful but I had no reason to be nervous! The masterclass was great from start to finish, the information was clear & concise and explained thoroughly! It made me so excited to start my journey. Worth every single penny!!


This was a great masterclass; Georgia was transparent, clear, and concise and answered all questions in detail. This masterclass has definitely lit a fire for me to push forward as a VA despite the fear and uncertainty because "you cannot fail in business unless you give up". I can't wait to attend another session with Georgia.

Do you feel…

Overwhelmed by all the contradicting information online on how to get started and actually land paying clients

Stuck, lost and unhappy with your job and looking for a career that lights you up from the inside out

Excited about becoming a virtual assistant but scared about taking the first step

Being a virtual assistant is the dream job but you're unsure on how to become one

Consumed by imposter syndrome and need advice from someone who started from where you are at right now

3 day masterclass replay

then this masterclass 

is for you


What can you expect?

day 1 

An in depth introduction into what a virtual assistant is. 

We dive into your current mindset so we can ensure your imposter syndrome doesn't hold you back.

We go over the legalities of running a business in a way that doesn't feel intimidating, I cover what it takes to set up as a self employed business owner such as GDPR, contracts, ICO licesnes, the difference between being a sole trader and a limited company.

We will also dive into setting up your business from the ground up. I'll teach you how to start your business page in an easy and accessible way that will land you clients.

day 2 

Now you have the basics covered we will dive straight into how to create content (posts, stories, reels) with a live demonstration, showing you exactly how I make my content for my business (that converts to paying clients) and content creation for my own VA clients.


We will look at pricing and setting up your services and packages. As well as how to sell them in an efficient and fun way (that doesn't give you the ick)


I will be giving away all my secrets on how to ensure your page is visible to paying clients and how you can connect with them in a way that feels authentic and sustainable to you. 

day 3 

The final day will go into depth on what it's like to work with paying clients from the first call to taking payments to working with them (and how to ensure they grow with you)

We go over the process from discovery calls, to kick off calls to onboarding and how to get paid and even raise your prices with new and existing clients!

I won't just leave you with the basics and beginning steps as I will also be going into how to scale as a virtual assistant, what it takes to make £3k a month and what else you can do to expand your evergrowing business.

Finally, we will go into self care and how you can make this business your full time job.

You will then have the opportunity to ask me anything you want. This is your chance to pick my brains! 

what else is included?

You will be given a contract template you can take away and use for your own clients (this is a template, I am not responsible for any third-party issues - this is an outline of your terms of agreement with you and your clients)

You will also get given access to a private support group for post-masterclass community and networking. 

Don't forget you will also get the recordings of each masterclass sent to you for unlimited replays so, for months to come, you can refer back to the masterclass anytime you need to refresh your knowledge!


Oops, I forgot to introduce myself.

My name is Georgia…

But most importantly I am just like you. I was scrolling through Tik Tok back in January 2021 and came across the term “virtual assistant” and was convinced it was a scam and another “too good to be true” job. At this point in my life, I was struggling immensely with my mental health and my job as a teaching assistant only worsened that. 

I was intrigued by the whole virtual assistant thing and decided to do some of my own research and soon found out it is a legitimate and thriving industry, especially on Instagram (go explore for yourself by literally typing in #VirtualAssistant in the search bar) I decided to take the risk and give it a go. I invested a ¼ of my paycheque on a masterclass, similar to the one I am now hosting.

After learning and implementing what I had been taught, I was able to book out in 10 days. I decided on working with therapists and offering social media management services.

 I was suddenly earning more as a VA part time than as a TA full time- so 43 days as a VA I handed in my notice and since April 2021; I've been fully self employed (and my mental health and bank account has never been better lol)

Sometime last year I started to post about what I do as I am so passionate about others finding a job they love because I wish someone told me earlier on that there is always a job out there that will light you up inside and out (it would have saved me a lot of bad brain days) and thanks to the FYP algorithm, I was shown to others who were in the same position as me. 

And now I almost have 2 years of experience as a virtual assistant and have a lot of knowledge and experience to teach. There is no gatekeeping here. So I feel so honoured people purchase this masterclass and go on to start their own journey and I get to be a little piece of that. 


do i need to have social media experience or knowledge to sign up?

Short answer: No

But, do not underestimate what you do know! You found this masterclass THROUGH social media so you do have some knowledge but you do not need to be a professional or expert by any means. If you are able to upload an Instagram post, send an email and form sentences together - you are already fully qualified to become a virtual assistant! 

is it recorded?

Yes! You will get access to the 3 day event with recordings - you can download and watch however many times your heart desires!

do i need to have a social media following to get clients?

Nope! I signed my first client with less than 500 followers. I always suggest for you to start a brand new account so everyone starts from 0!

what happens if i don't get clients?

Everything I teach will guide you on how to land paying clients. There are many factors as to why someone might not land clients, I cover this to ensure you know what you might be missing/need to focus more on. Everyone who signs up gets private access to a Facebook group for post-masterclass support, networking and community. So not only will you be supported by me but everyone else who also takes this masterclass!

can i get a refund?

Like most online, live education, this masterclass is non-refundable. Not sure if it’s right for you? Drop me a email at georgiablushsocial@gmail.com to chat.

do you teach about social media? Or will you go over admin?

I will heavily cover social media for a number of reasons.

Social media is how any virtual assistant advertises their business as it's an online business, which means you social media marketing plays a vital role in getting clients. This information can then be useful for those offering social media as a service as it's what they will help other businesses do (grow and make money online).

Admin isn't covered as in-depth in this masterclass because it's not exactly a skill to be taught because every client will want their admin managed in many different ways for example; Client A is hiring you for email management and they get 10 emails a day that they want you to respond to. Client B is also hiring you for email management but they get 100 emails a day. I could teach you how to manage Client A but it wouldn't be relevant for Client B.

Admin is all about being organised, disciplined and taking time off your client's hands. Social media is the same but also looking at a marketing strategy and being able to create content that converts (into growth/money). If you're not sure what services you want to offer, this masterclass will help you decide (I will also guide you exactly on what to charge for both admin and social media services)

why choose my masterclass?

it's a 3 day event

This is the first time I am dividing up the masterclass into a 3 day event. For the past five masterclasses, I have ran it as a one day event which has worked really well.

This replay is over 9 hours of content ready for you to digest.

BUT, I understand not everyone can join / or sit through a 6+ hour live masterclass. I have divided up the masterclass into a 3 day event allowing the chance for people to join LIVE and be able to digest the mountain of informaiton in a more accessible and bite-sized way. It's all the same information but broken up into 3 days - which will give you the chance to digest the information, come back to the next day with questions I will more than happily answer!

What I am doing differently this time round is each day you will be given homework to help you make the most out of the masterclass experience as well as the opportunity to win vouchers and 1:1 coaching with me! 

If you want to become a virtual assistant and know exactly what you need to do and what it takes to land paying clients - then this is for you. 


You will be able to make this investment back in just under 6 hours work as a virtual assistant charging £25 an hour. That means after week 1 of landing a client, you will have made your money back and more!